
Industry-Leading Insecticides Manufacturer

Insects can damage the crop through their feeding and thereby significantly reduce the crop yield. So, it becomes critical for farmers to protect the crop against these insects. It is since the 20th century that the use of insecticides has shown a significant increase in agricultural productivity. Annapurna Taashi Agrotech is one of the industry-leading insecticide manufacturers that develop effective, safe, and sustainable range of insecticides to help farmers prevent the crop from damage.

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Terminator Plus

By spraying Terminator Plus on the crops, it destroys various types of sucking insects like aphid, jassid, white fly etc. and provides protection to the crops from all the pests.

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Chilli Rakshak

Chili Rakshak is a very high level organic technological research based bio-product which contains many types of powerful biological components which provides complete protection from all types of sucking insects in vegetable crops. 

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Spraying nectar on various vegetable crops destroys various types of sucking insects like aphid, jassid, white fly, red fly etc. and provides protection to the crops from all insects.

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Defender is a research based modern bio organic product. By using which destroys all types of diseases like borer (worm), pink bug, green leaf miner and mildew disease etc. at the initial stage.

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Bio Allwin is a product which is highly effective for the control of sucking pests in various types of vegetables.