
Importance Of Bio-Fungicides For a Farmer:

Biofungicdes are formulations of living organisms that are used to control the activity of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The concept of biofungicides is based upon observations of natural processes where beneficial microorganisms, usually isolated from soil, hinder the activity of plant pathogens. Biocontrol microorganisms are free-living fungi, bacteria, or actinomycetes that are active in root, soil, and foliar environments.

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Clam is an organic product, its spraying provides complete protection from all kinds of diseases like fungal, virus, bacterial etc. caused by different types of vegetables.


Taashi Gold

Tashi Gold is an advanced bio-organic contact and enteric fungicide. Fungal diseases such as full blight, blight, rust etc. can be controlled by the use of Taashi Gold. Characteristics- Taashi Gold by its action provides protection to the crop from the attack of fungal disease


Bio-Fungicide technical

Bio- fungicides technical is an advanced bio-organic contact and enteric fungicide. Fungal diseases such as full blight, blight, rust etc. can be controlled by the use of Bio- fungicides technical .